How to add an administrator to the vk group. How to add an administrator to a VKontakte group? How to add an administrator so that it is visible in contacts

If you have your own community, then you need to manage it (see). Publish new materials (see), moderate comments (see), invite and add new participants (see).

You can perform all these manipulations yourself. But if the group is gaining popularity, you will need helpers (see). You can nominate them from among the participants. Now I'll show you how to add an administrator to a VKontakte group.

  • Moderator. We manage the community blacklist (see), and also approve or delete user materials (see).
  • Editor. Responsible for publishing materials in the community (see)
  • Administrator. Almost full level of authority. Up to the appointment of administrators (see)

Depending on what functions the person will perform, you assign the appropriate role for him (see).

How to appoint an admin in a VKontakte group

Go to the desired community, open the menu and click.

Go to the “Participants” tab, then select “Leaders”. Here you need to click the button "Add manager".

A list of community members will open. Here you need to find a person to whom you will give a certain level of rights. Next to his page, click the button "Appoint as manager".

A window will open in which you need to select the level of rights. Check the appropriate box. If necessary, check the box next to the item “Display in contact block”(cm. ). Then click "Appoint as manager".

Working with communities in VK is quite simple. Another thing is that not all group leaders have time for this. In order to look after the group, you can assign administrators.

There are three levels of authority in total.

  • Moderator: can delete materials added by users, manage the community blacklist.
  • Editor: can write on behalf of the community, add, delete and edit content, update the main photo.
  • Administrator: can appoint and remove administrators, change the name and address of the community.

Depending on the tasks assigned, you can independently choose the level of authority.

So you've decided to add an administrator. What do I need to do?

Go to the group and click “Community Management” in the menu.

When the page opens, select the "Participants" tab.

Here you will see a list of participants. Click on the "Managers" button. Enter the user’s name in the line, or better yet, a link to his page, then click “Assign as manager.”

Next, a window will appear in front of you, which will inform you that you are going to appoint such and such a user as the head of the community. All that remains is to select the level of authority and click the “Appoint Manager” button.

That's all, actually. In exactly the same way, you can add a manager on a public page.

Administration of VKontakte communities has become a full-fledged profession. Now not everyone can become an administrator. Public website owners are becoming more and more demanding, and competition is constantly growing. But it is important to know how to add an administrator to a VKontakte group in order to delegate responsibilities to another person.

Today we will talk to you about the administration of VK groups, what an admin is obliged to do, how to appoint/remove new managers and much more.

Why appoint VK administrators

The VKontakte community administrator is the person who is responsible for everything. Starting from appearance to what information is contained in posts and how many people read it.

There is a stereotype that an admin is someone who posts a picture every few hours and rests the rest of the time. On the contrary, it is the soul of the public. How involved people are in the group reflects that person's efforts. If the VKontakte admin fully invests in the development of the community, then there will be a good return. As a rule, a good VK admin is able to publish interesting and catchy posts. Find your target audience.

Administering communities is not an easy job and requires a lot of effort and time. Main goals:

  1. Create a pleasant atmosphere and engagement of subscribers in the life of the public;
  2. Constantly delight your audience with interesting and high-quality content;
  3. Promote the group to popular status.

Of course, these are general goals. In each specific public they may be different. If you set tasks correctly for the VK administrator, he will achieve specific goals. As you know, it’s better to educate your admin about the specifics of your business.

All this is not as easy to do as it might seem at first glance. Next, we will describe in more detail the responsibilities of the administrator, by performing which he will achieve the goals set for him.

Responsibilities of a VK administrator: what does he do?

The responsibilities of almost every administrator include the following:

  1. Come up with a unique design and beautifully decorate the community. If the administrator himself does not have sufficient skills, he can hire a specialist. But all responsibility still lies with him. Since it is the community admin who will approve and approve the result of the designer’s work.
  2. Fill the group with unique and interesting content every day. Photos, audio, video, text - all this falls on his shoulders. He must not only be able to find information, but also be able to format it beautifully and present it correctly, arousing genuine interest among subscribers.
  3. If a group has a “Discussion” block, then the administrator is also responsible for it (creating new topics, deleting old ones and monitoring existing ones).
  4. View comments on posts and in discussions, answer questions from subscribers, communicate with them, thereby increasing the activity and involvement of the audience. In addition, it is necessary to maintain order, clean comments from spam, obscene messages, block violators, etc.
  5. Conduct various competitions, promotions, etc. All this also helps to increase the activity and involvement of group members.
  6. Determine your target audience (TA), study their interests and problems. All this information helps to better promote your community through advertising (targeting).
  7. Increase the number of participants, reach of subscribers and unique visitors. You can promote a group in various ways (advertising in other communities, mutual PR, targeting, and others). This is where knowing your target audience will come in handy.
  8. Negotiate with advertisers and partners about placing advertisements in your public page.

As we said earlier, each community sets its own goals and gives its admin certain powers. Therefore, in some situations, administration may not include any individual items.

How to add an admin to a VK group?

Adding a new manager to an admin position is a fairly simple task. If you have such a need, follow these steps:

Ready! As you can see, nothing complicated.

Do not forget that in any public there are also positions “Editor” and “Moderator”. The first one deals with content (selects information, formats it and publishes it). The second one keeps order in the community. Perhaps one of these positions would be more appropriate.

How to remove yourself from admins?

There may be times when, for one reason or another, you no longer want to serve as a community administrator. In such a situation, it is not at all necessary to wait until another admin demotes you. You can do this yourself.

The procedure is simple, no more difficult than appointing a new manager. Similarly, you can demote any other administrator (but not the owner).

You can also demote or promote someone by clicking on the “Edit” button, and in the window that appears, select a new level of authority. Here you can also add a description, hide/display in the contacts section and specify a phone/e-mail for contact.

Application for administering a VK group

As you know, progress does not stand still. So the VKontakte developers did not wait for someone to invent for them and created their own - VK Admin.

This is the official application from VKontakte for Android and iOS mobile platforms. It allows you to administer communities directly from your mobile phone.

With the help of VK Admin, you will be able to respond to your clients and subscribers in a timely manner, always be in touch with them, view statistics directly on your smartphone, and much more. Moreover, you can connect not just one group, but several at once, which makes the administrator’s work even easier.

You can download the application through Play Market (on Android) and AppStore (on iPhone).

How to use the VK Admin program:

The service is very easy to use. Its design and appearance will be very familiar to you if you have used the VK application before.

If you are an administrator of VKontakte public pages, but you do not always have the time and opportunity to log into social networks. network from a PC or laptop, then the VK Admin application will be an excellent way out of the situation. You can be in touch from anywhere in the city. All you need is access to the Internet.

Bottom line

Today we talked to you about administering VKontakte groups. As you can understand, this is a responsible job that not every VK user can handle. But if your goal is to become an admin, then go for it. Study social media network, improve your skills in working with audiences, promotion skills, and you will definitely achieve success.

Managing groups and publics on Facebook is a complex and responsible job, especially if the number of participants/subscribers exceeds a hundred. It is necessary to maintain public order, monitor user behavior and, of course, regularly make interesting publications that correspond to the topic of the community. It is not easy for one person to cope with all the responsibilities, so the creators usually decide to add an administrator to the group to make its management more efficient.

Updating the composition of admins: instructions

So, some time ago you created a group to unite like-minded people, make plans for an event, or simply communicate in a close circle of acquaintances. Suddenly it became clear that you couldn’t track everything that was happening in the community on your own, and it would be nice to get an assistant. You throw out a call and find a person who agrees to become a group administrator. The only thing left to do is to carry out his “inauguration”. And this can be done in just a few steps:

1.Log into the community of which you are the admin.

2.Go to the “Participants” section.

3.Click on the icon next to the person you want to add to the administration.

4.Select “Make as administrator”.

As soon as the last action is completed, a new admin will appear in the community, who will have all rights by default, namely:

  • adding and removing participants;
  • adjusting the composition of the administration;
  • deleting messages;
  • editing of information.

Based on the above, one important conclusion suggests itself - you should appoint only a person you completely trust as an administrator, because he receives equal rights to you. This means that, theoretically, he can “occupy” your group and use it for his own purposes. Moreover, it is within his administrative power to even remove you from your position, and then completely remove you from the community.

Of course, such cases do not happen very often on Facebook, but it doesn’t hurt to be on the safe side. Be attentive and careful, especially if the group you created is very important or, moreover, has some kind of private information that is not intended for the masses.

You should also know a few more important facts about Facebook administration:

  • Only a group member can be made an admin, so before assigning, make sure that he is one;
  • to remove a user from the administration, you need to go to the “Participants” section and, by clicking the icon, select “Remove from the list of administrators”;
  • Unlike groups, page administrators can be assigned roles and functions.

Greetings dear friend! In this article we will talk about changing the owner of a group (community) on a social network - in contact!

Let's say the group was created under someone else's account, perhaps even under yours, but you don't use it and want to change the creator. Is it possible to do this? Yes!

This will require a little effort and time - there is nothing complicated in this procedure! As you know, the creator has the most rights, so you shouldn’t delay this (for example, after purchasing someone else’s group).

Now, let's get straight to the point!

Creator change procedure

The whole procedure consists of two steps:

  1. appointment of the future creator as an administrator;
  2. appointing an administrator as the new creator.

That is, anyone who wants to become a “new” group creator must first become an administrator. Go to the group and select the action - Community Management:

In this section, select the subsection - Managers:

Now we choose a new leader:

After this, we select the right person (you can use the search) and appoint him as a manager, namely an administrator:

Now, a new administrator should appear in the list of community leaders, and he needs to be made the creator. To do this, click - Edit:

In the pop-up window, click - Assign as owner:

And then click - Change owner:

That's it, after this the community will have a new “creator”! As you can see, everything is very simple, that's all I have, I wish you good luck, bye!

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