Ministry of Defense personal account of a serviceman, entry without registration. Personal account Erts.rf. How to generate a payslip

The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation is a federal body that performs the functions of Russia's guardian throughout its territory. To control the financial resources of the army, a personal account of the Serviceman was created. On the official website of the RF Ministry of Defense, contract servicemen, as well as conscripts, can find out all the necessary information on their accounts.


Anyone who wants to register on the Ministry of Defense portal needs to go to the main page of the site and click the “Register” button. Next, you need to fill out the registration form, in which you need to indicate your personal data and SNILS number.


To enter a Serviceman’s personal account using his personal number and date of birth, you will need to indicate the login and access code that were issued during registration. To use all the capabilities of the service, you need to enter your army ID number, but you can also make a simplified login, without registration. True, this is not a very effective solution, since you will have to constantly go through the authorization procedure.

If the employee is a new member of NIS, then in order to use all the features of his personal account, he must enter the correct email number and password. A military man can log into the NIS Military Personnel's Personal Account without any problems and easily solve his problems.

How to recover your password?

To recover your password, you need to go to the “Recover Password” section and enter the following data:

  • Personal military ID number or SNILS;
  • Date of birth;
  • The code that will be offered to you in the picture.

You can also cancel registration in your personal account and restore your access code. Recovering a military serviceman's password is not difficult and anyone can do it. Forgot your password - no problem. If all the data entered by the serviceman is completely correct, then the necessary information will be sent by email. We figured out how to recover your login and password, now let’s look at the login procedure.

Login without registration

In order for an employee to log in without registration, it is necessary:

  • Be registered with the Unified Center of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation;
  • Is on financial support;
  • Enter your army ID number and your date of birth.

In addition to all of the above, you must have access to the Internet. Regardless of which country the soldier is in, he has the opportunity to resolve issues of interest to him through his NIS personal account.

Features and Benefits

The option of this service for a soldier, which is available to everyone on the official website, makes it possible to receive all the necessary information and always know what the soldier’s salary is through his personal account. The portal, which is available online, makes it possible to receive the following services:

  • Unlike what the finance chief will tell you, you can receive complete information about the allowance provided to you;
  • You are given the opportunity to save and print all the necessary data;
  • Information about whether a subsidy was provided in the form of a convenient table, and you can always pay for housing cheaper using this indispensable service;
  • The universal service allows a person at the service to communicate through contact details with support;
  • Write to the Unified Settlement Center of the RF Ministry of Defense
  • Receive information about what your payslip is and know what your salary is.

All this provides undeniable advantages, and every citizen, thanks to this universal service, receives all the necessary information.

Contracted service members view their duties not only as a civic duty, but also as a means of earning a living. In simple words, military service for a military man is considered a normal job, just like for a civilian. Naturally, every profession has its own nuances, and military activity is no exception. An example is that the financial component is represented not by wages, but by monetary allowance. Its size is set according to a certain grid, taking into account a number of factors. These factors include length of service, rank and other arguments for calculating bonuses.

For some time now, the human factor has ceased to influence the procedure for calculating monetary allowances. All calculations are performed by an electronic system operating automatically. The transition to the principle according to which the salaries of military personnel ceased to depend on the actions of the accounting staff has a number of positive trends.

  • Firstly, the risk of an error occurring when determining a serviceman’s earnings is reduced to almost zero.
  • Secondly, regardless of the position and rank of a military personnel, everyone can log into their personal account and find out by using their personal number all the data on transactions on their personal account. The ability to check your salary definitely affects family budget planning.

The specified program is available on the official resource of the Ministry At the moment it is working in test mode, but all provided functions are available to each registered user. Despite free access to personal information, the above methods of protection are quite sufficient to ensure that data about a serviceman is available only to him and some other competent persons.

The introduction of automatic calculation of allowances was carried out after massive complaints began to be received from military personnel about the discrepancy between salary calculations and practical payments.

The serviceman's personal number serves as an identifier.

The concept of a payslip in the URC

The work of the Unified Settlement Center (SSC) is organized on the official website of the Ministry of Defense, where all information regarding payments to military personnel is presented in the form of a pay slip. Its main advantage is the possibility of round-the-clock access. You can check not only the accuracy of accruals, but also the timeliness of their execution. The resource is considered free, which is very convenient, and if desired, the sheet can be sent for printing directly from the ERC page.

It is quite difficult to verbally describe the appearance of a payslip, since this is a functional interface of the program, but the content can be presented in the form of separate items.

  • Cash allowance for a certain period of time. To display information, you must use the interactive menu to specify the period of interest.
  • Accruals for the next vacation, if it was granted.
  • Payment of sick leave. In order for the data to be displayed correctly, in case of illness, a soldier is obliged to submit it to the unit headquarters on time.
  • The total amount accrued for the specified period. Please understand that income tax will be deducted from this amount. Other deductions, if any, will be decrypted without fail.
  • The amount to be paid is the so-called “clean money”. It is very convenient to navigate, because wages are presented minus taxes, and you do not need to calculate this indicator yourself.

The profile created during registration forms a personal account, the main purpose of which is to provide the user with a payslip. The information input field for selecting a time period conveniently allows you to set the desired interval. The soldier has the opportunity to view the amount of all payments made for a specified period.

Login to your personal account

Before you find out all the current information on personal payments, you need to identify the serviceman using his personal number.

Logging into the ERC system of the RF Armed Forces is implemented in two ways: without registration and logging into your personal account. To ensure full functionality, it is recommended to go through a simple registration procedure. In the form that opens, you will need to enter your date of birth, personal number in the specified format, and generate a password yourself that would be easy to remember and would allow you to log into the LC of the RF Armed Forces in the future.

At the next stage, you will have to confirm the password; this is a certain security measure against accidental key presses. A message will be sent to the specified email address indicating the steps to activate your profile. You must remember your login and password. Although the system provides the ability to recover a password, this procedure takes some time.

You can receive a serviceman's pay slip using his personal number without registration. Let us remember that the personal number in this case acts as an identifier. However, the developer is not responsible for data confidentiality, since anyone who has the necessary information can open the page. The ERC system is currently operating in test mode and it is possible that it will be modernized in the near future. The degree of information protection depends on the wishes of the users. If there are more reviews suggesting that the office be protected from unauthorized access, then most likely, entry without registration will be cancelled.

Regular use of the ERC system

The registration and password verification procedure is carried out once. In normal mode, work with the system begins by opening the page. Finding the “Personal Account” tab is not so easy. Due to the fact that the page is filled with various functional links, you will have to take a little time to navigate the first time.

On the right side you can find the treasured inscription. The link takes you to your account form. All data is processed and stored in accordance with Russian legislation. By entering a login and password, a serviceman can access the pay slip to find out all the necessary information. By specifying the month and year corresponding to the billing period, you can receive a statement with virtually no waiting.

A feedback form exists and is functioning. If you encounter certain problems when logging into your personal account, you can contact the developers directly. However, it should be remembered that if the calculated data does not correspond to the actual payment, all issues are resolved in the military unit where the citizen serves.

The introduction of citizens to electronic documentation is happening quite slowly. Elderly people are especially inert in this matter. Even if you manage to get them to sit at the computer, it’s quite difficult to get them to register. The developers will also take note of this fact, so rumors that entry without registration will be canceled have not yet been confirmed.

Saving data

The online mode was not entirely convenient if there was no way to save the received data. Inexperienced users are advised to create a separate directory where all received statements will be saved. You can request payslip data every month. More frequent requests will result in some statements being the same. If you log into your personal account less often, you may miss the mistake you made, and finding it later will be problematic.

As for unregistered users, they will face certain restrictions. The most annoying of them is the inability to receive a statement for an arbitrary period. It will only be available as of the current month. It is hardly worth describing the beauty of providing services using automated systems. It is enough just to remember the long waiting times for a pay slip when applying to a unit. Often such requests ended in refusal from the command, motivated by lack of time.

Negative reviews include complaints about various errors when logging into your personal account. All questions can be resolved by the support service, which is available both by phone and by email. But statistics show that citizens themselves become the cause of failures in the system, since they enter erroneous data during registration, which should be paid special attention to.

More recently, the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation has developed a new program for all contract military personnel, with the help of which each of them can view the amounts of money to be paid. It was developed in connection with the emergence of frequent questions from military personnel about the calculation of payments and its amount, and many others.

On the website of the Ministry of Defense Each serviceman is given the opportunity to enter his personal account, where he can view all information about the accrual of funds from 2012 to today. The received data can be printed or transferred to a removable disk.

Login page for a military personnel's personal account

Registration in a military personnel's personal account

Any user can register on the site and gain access to the account in a few minutes. This requires entering a login and password, as well as filling out personal data. This is data such as:

  • Serviceman's personal number;
  • Date of birth in the format DD.MM.YYYY.
  • Password;
  • Password confirmation;
  • Specifying your email.

The user comes up with the password independently. It must consist of at least six characters. For security, it is better to come up with a complex password.

To complete registration, the user will be sent an activation email to the specified email address. After the serviceman clicks on the link, he will automatically be taken to his personal account, thereby confirming registration.

Personal account of a Soldier without registration

Unregistered users can also view information on the site; just check the checkbox next to “log in without registration” and enter the required data, but still, to receive all the services provided by the site, we recommend activating your personal account.

If the user forgets his login or password, it can be easily recovered. To do this, you need to find the “forgot password” tab in the registration field and perform all the actions requested by the site. If you encounter any difficulties, you can seek help from specialists by writing a letter to the specified mailbox, or calling one of the specified numbers.

How does a military personnel's personal account work?

After the first login, each serviceman can find out how a payslip is generated, which includes all the information about accruals and deductions.

To form, you must indicate the required date and year.

For subsequent viewing, the personal account allows each serviceman to save pay sheets to his computer or removable disk.

Ministry of Defense website: login
Login to the Serviceman's Personal Account: login
Phone numbers of the Main Personnel Directorate of the RF Ministry of Defense:
Hotline telephone number of the IRC RF Ministry of Defense: 8-800-737-7-737

Recently, the country's Defense Ministry has introduced its own single portal for military personnel. It contains all the important information. It is also worth paying attention to one important fact - the ongoing fraud on the part of outsiders, both in the Ministry of Defense and government departments, prompted management to create a personal account. Here, every serviceman will be able to find out all the steps for crediting monthly allowances and payroll.

Login by code

Nowadays it is not so easy to log into your personal account; for this, people for whom this service is intended must know their individual code. This is done to ensure that all data about a particular person’s service is not leaked to third parties. Using the code, it is very easy to enter your personal account on the Ministry of Defense website; you can do this, perhaps even without registration.

Other login methods

When carrying out an action for the first time, it is necessary to keep in mind post-Soviet registration, if any. The system can take from you all the personal information that needs to be collected. Here it is worth having military snils available. You will also need to know the password, without which you should not try to log in;

  • personal number.
  • Date of Birth.
  • unique number. Provided to all military personnel, where upon entry you must indicate who you are, a civil servant or a military service member.

You can find out all the important information by registering. To complete all the steps, fill out the form provided without missing a single line. Don’t forget to enter a special code that will be displayed at the bottom of the entire form; this is done so that the system can understand whether you are a robot or a living person.

To activate your account, do not forget to follow the link in the email:

Login without password

Sometimes there are times when the password is lost or forgotten. But this is not a problem, since the registration form asks you to log into the service even without it. To do this, know the special number assigned to each employee of this department during military service.

Serviceman's personal account

In the “forgot your password” tab, you can recover it again. Still, it would be better to know the password with all the data.

What is the service intended for?

Having your personal account at your fingertips is convenient and comfortable. Here, every soldier who serves under a contract or pays military debt to the Motherland will be able, if necessary, to download a pay slip, after all operations performed, according to available funds. The service also offers to calculate wages using the calculator tab. This can be done several months in advance.

Mil ru ( - official website of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

Mil ru - official website of the Ministry of Defense

On the Ministry's website you can familiarize yourself with its leadership and structure, documents, contact and other information related to the activities of the Ministry of Defense.

There is also a personal account, a link to which can be found in the menu located on the left side of the site. Military personnel, as well as civilian employees of the Ministry of Defense, can take advantage of the office’s capabilities. Both registered and unregistered users can log into the account.

In the first case, to gain access to your military personal account, you will need to go through a registration procedure, which involves filling out a standard form in which you will need to indicate who you are registering as: a military serviceman or a civil servant. Here you will also need to indicate the personal number of a military personnel or SNILS of a civilian, date of birth, email address and password starting with a letter and containing at least six characters. You will also need to indicate the code from the proposed image and click on “Register”.


After the system detects data about the presence of the corresponding military personnel or civil servant in the database, an inactive user account will be created, and a message will be displayed indicating the successful completion of the first part of the registration on MilRu.

Next, you will need to click on the link contained in the email sent to the e-mail you specified, which will complete the registration procedure and make your account active. After completing the registration procedure, you will be able to log into your personal account on the mil ru website. To do this, you will need to indicate your login and password.

Login to your personal account

If necessary, you can also recover your password by clicking on the appropriate link. In this case, you will need to indicate the serviceman’s personal number or SNILS, date of birth and the code from the proposed picture. The data required to recover your password will be sent to the email address specified during registration.

In addition to recovering the password required to enter your personal account, you can also change it. This can be done using the appropriate link available in the credentials window in your MilRu personal account. To change the password, you will need to specify the old and new passwords (the latter will need to be entered twice) and click on the “Change Password” button.

You can log into your personal account without registering. To do this, you will need to select the appropriate link, indicate as who YOU ​​want to log in, enter the military personnel personal number or SNILS, date of birth and code from the image, and then click on the “Login” button. As a result, you will find yourself in the “Payment slips” section.

Login to your personal account without registration

Milru's personal account allows its users to generate payslips, which is available in the corresponding section of the account. Here you can create and download a payslip containing information about the amount of your allowance, accruals and deductions made.

In order to generate a payslip, you will need to indicate the required period. This may be one or several months.

Serviceman's pay slip

In the first case, you will need to select the “per month” tab, then indicate the desired month and year, in the second - “per period” and indicate the desired time period. Next, click on the “Generate” button. The payslip can be displayed in regular and mobile versions. The formation of a payslip in your personal account on the mil ru website is possible in three formats: pdf, docx and xlsx.

Formation of a pay slip

Registered users who wish to receive notifications about updates or the addition of new payslips by e-mail simply need to check the box next to the “Receive notifications” field in the user credentials window.

If you are a registered user, you can also take part in surveys available through your personal account. You can find out if there is an available survey using the red indicator, which is located to the right of the “Survey” link. To take the survey, you will need to go to the credentials window and click on the “Survey” link. After this, a window with questions and answer options will open.

If you are also interested in the possibility of receiving banking services at any time convenient for you, check out the capabilities of such a service as AK Bars Online Bank personal account.

Mil ru personal account -

Military personnel and civil servants can create a personal account on the official website of the Russian Ministry of Defense. Here they receive reliable information about all operations for calculating monetary allowances.

Personal account functionality

The functionality of a serviceman's account is not particularly rich. All you can do in the office is:

  • generate a pay slip containing information about the amount of cash payments, charges and deductions;
  • participate in surveys;
  • set up a service for receiving notifications by email via the Internet.

Let's look at each function separately.

You can create a payslip using the following algorithm:

  1. Log in to your personal account.
  2. In the “Pay slips” section, select the required time period. For this purpose, there are two tabs - “per month” and “per period”.
  3. Click on the “Generate” button. After this, the page will display a payslip for the specified period.
  4. Download the generated document. For these purposes, three formats are provided - XLSX, PDF; DOCX.

You can also print the sheet immediately without downloading.

Military personnel can participate in surveys that appear periodically in the office. The indicator, which turns red in this case, will help you find out about the availability of a new one.

To receive email notifications about new payslips:

  1. Go to the data accounting window (after authorization).
  2. Check the box next to “Receive notifications”.

Every time a new payslip is available, notifications with relevant information will be sent to the email specified by the user. To not receive notifications, you will need to uncheck the box.

Registration in the serviceman's office

To create an account, you need to click on the “Personal Account” button on the main page of the Russian Ministry of Defense website. A registration page will open where you will need to enter the following information:

  • type of employee - military or civilian;
  • personal number for a military personnel, or pension insurance certificate number (SNILS) if it is a civil servant;
  • day, month and year of birth of the user;
  • password;
  • Password confirmation;
  • email address

After entering the code from the picture, click on the “Register” button. The system will check the information entered, and if they match those contained in the database, an email will be sent with a confirmation link and login. Clicking on it will be the final stage of registration.

It is important to take into account that if you do not click on the link within 2 hours after it is sent, then all stages of registration will have to be completed again. You will also need to re-enter your personal information if you do not receive a confirmation email.

Authorization in a military personnel's personal account

Both those who are registered in the system and those who have not registered can confirm their account.

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